Caption for exhibitions

Creating captions for exhibitions on Saal Photo Portal

If you want to make your photos accessible by simply scanning a QR code, you can do so by using the Create Caption function in your gallery. Before you click this option, you can add a title and description to the images in the gallery so that this information appears on the cards next to the QR. To do this, select a photo from your gallery. In the menu on the right, you will see information about the photo and various functions. Below Details you will find the space to add a title and description to your image if you wish. Once you have filled these in, click on Save changes. If you don't add a title to your image, the default filename will be used.

Image details in the gallery view

The Create Captions function can be found in two places: In the gallery, by clicking on the 3 dots button of the desired gallery.

Display options in the gallery

In the gallery, without a selected image, you can find it in the menu on the right, under functions.

Options within the gallery

When you click on the Create caption (for exhibitions) button, you will see various options for customising the information and appearance of your card, as well as a preview of how it will look. In addition to the QR code to be scanned, the cards contain the Artist Name, which can be found in the Profile and page settings section of the Account, as well as the title of the image it refers to. Optionally, you can also include a description of the image.

Export caption data menu

To download a PDF of all the photo cards in the gallery with their corresponding QR code, simply click on Download printable PDF file. A PDF of all the cards corresponding to each image in the gallery can be downloaded, printed and used wherever you like. You can also download the CSV file with the corresponding gallery information by clicking on Download sheet (CSV). With the CSV file you can create and design your own caption.


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