Price lists: File download

Price lists: File download

Besides photo products, you can also sell file downloads of your images, or allow them to be downloaded for free from your gallery. You will need to enable the file download option in the Price Lists. File download options are displayed at the bottom.

File Download Settings

Sell and Set Prices

When this option is selected, different options will be displayed for you to activate. You will need to activate the ones you want to sell and set the absolute price for them.

It is also possible to offer a download package at a set price that includes all the images in the gallery by activating the File download: All images in full size option. This allows you to activate the following options:
Include sub galleries. Includes all digital files from subgalleries.
Include all group galleries (photo jobs only). Includes all digital files from common group galleries. This option only affects Photo Jobs.

All images in full size activated

Once you have set the prices for your downloadable files, click Save. The digital files will then be available for sale in the Gallery with the configured price. Note that even if the price is set to 0, the order process needs to be completed.

Digital files in gallery

If digital files are purchased, the customer receives the download link to the photos quickly and conveniently by e-mail after receipt of payment. The download link will be valid for up to 30 days. You can resend the download link to the customer if necessary by opening the order with the file downloads in the Order management panel and clicking on Resend download links to customer.

Resend download links button

Free Download

If you select this option, your images will be available for free download directly from your gallery without having to add them to the shopping basket. Therefore, free downloads made using this method will not appear in the Order Management menu.

Free Download selected

If this option is activated in the price list of a gallery, a download symbol is displayed next to the image. Clicking on this icon will initiate the file download. It is also possible to download all images at once by clicking on the Download all images button. Please note that sub-galleries are not included. Each sub-gallery must be downloaded separately.

Gallery with Free download available

Additional Downloads

You can offer additional file downloads on Product sets. This enables you to offer digital files of the ordered photos that are included in the product set, or all the digital files in the gallery and subgallery, either for free or as an upsell, depending on your preference. For more information, please read the Product set article.


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