Photo Portal Troubleshooting
On rare occasions, you may encounter issues when using the Photo Portal. We’ve compiled a detailed troubleshooting guide to assist you in resolving these issues. Follow the steps below to identify the problem and find a suitable solution.
Login not possible
Error message: Incorrect e-mail or password1. Make sure you have an account with Saal Digital. If you're not sure, try the following:
- Click on Create your account
- Enter your email address
- If an account already exists, you’ll receive a notification.
2. Verify that you’ve entered your email and password correctly:
- Ensure there are no typos
- Check whether Caps Lock or Num Lock is activated.
- If you copied and pasted your credentials, try typing them manually.
- If the issue persists, click on Forgot password? to reset your password.
- Follow the instructions in the email you receive to create a new password.
PIN code not received
If you have not received the PIN code by email, please contact our customer support team customer support team.
Your Address is not recognized when trying to create an account
If your address is not recognized, you will see a dialogue with three options:
- Edit: Select this option to correct any mistakes in the address.
- Use suggested address: If the system finds an alternative address or a different format, confirm it by clicking on “Use suggested address”.
- Use the address you entered: You are not obliged to accept the suggested address, you can still use the address you entered.
If you still encounter issues, proceed with the selected address and remember you can update it later.
General display issues and other setup problems
If elements are not displaying correctly or cannot be selected, try the following:
- Use a browser like Chrome, Edge, or Safari. If the issue is browser-specific, inform our customer support.
- Test the issue on another browser, device or internet connection.
- Ensure your browser and operating system are updated to the latest official version. Avoid using outdated or beta versions.
- Check browser settings, third-party software, plugins, extensions, pop-up or ad blockers, etc., to ensure they are not interfering. If necessary, try a fresh installation of a standard browser. Allow cookies if prompted.
- Clear your browser cache/data (select “all time” as the time range, and all options except passwords/autofill forms). Close the browser, restart your device, and check again.
- Verify that there are no general internet connection or speed issues and that your firewall/antivirus isn’t interfering.
The issue should be resolved after going through this checklist.
Gallery link is not working
If the gallery link you need to share is not working:
- Check if the gallery is published
- Confirm that you’re using the correct share link from the Share settings menu.
- Try deactivating the sharing in the Share settings menu, then reactivating it. Check if the problem is resolved.
Changes in gallery are not showing up immediately
Wait for some time, as large galleries or those with high-resolution images may take several minutes to process. Processing time varies depending on multiple factors.
Email workflow not sent at the correct time
- Check your email workflow settings to see if you have the correct trigger event and times set up.
- Check your email history to see when the emails were sent out.
- Be aware that delays can occur due to technical issues, network problems, or email service configurations. Emails might also be blocked by spam filters or moved to promotional folders.
- Try setting the delivery time during usual business hours to avoid delays due to system maintenance.
- If changes to a workflow are not applied correctly, create a new workflow instead of editing the existing one.
Photo Jobs: Galleries incorrectly published, link to gallery not working, emails not being sent correctly
- Check for any incorrect or conflicting dates or settings: the publishing date, photo shoot date, promotion date, end publish date, voucher date, and email workflow dates.
- Ensure that all share and sale settings are correct and activated.
The price appearing in a gallery is not correct
- Check your gallery settings to ensure the correct price list is selected.
- Verify the price list to confirm that the surcharge is set correctly for each article. If you selected Set price for each product, ensure that you defined the correct price for each item.
- Review any free-of-charge upsell or download options that might cause a discrepancy in the expected price.
- Confirm that any promotions or discounts for the gallery are correctly applied.
Voucher has been created but it’s not working or not being applied correctly
Delete the voucher and create a new one to resolve the issue.
File downloads: download is not working when clicking the button in the gallery
Try using a different browser and device to start the download. The issue may be caused by browser/device settings blocking the download.
File downloads: Unsure how and where to download the images
- After placing the order, check your email for an order confirmation, invoice, and a separate email with the download link.
- Email with the download link did not arrive: resend it in Sales → Order management > open the order and click on Send download link to customer.
- Check all email folders, including Spam, Promotions, or Notifications.
- If the download link doesn’t open, try copying the link (right-click and copy) and pasting it into a new browser window/tab. If this doesn’t work, open the email in a different app/browser.
€0 order in Order Management
- Review your price list to check if you’ve defined a free download order. A “€0 order” will be created and appear in your order list even if nothing is paid.
- Check if the order is a “New Production” or “Resend download link” order. These are created when a customer reports a missing or damaged article, or didn’t receive a download link. The original order has been paid for, so the new order is €0. These orders do not affect your profit or settlements.
Free direct downloads are not appearing in Order Management
Free direct downloads do not generate an order in your Order Management. Customers can start the download by clicking the button.
If you want to track downloads, define an article in the price list (even if set to €0). Customers will then need to place a “€0 order” to download the images.
Still having problems?
Please contact our our Support team. To help us assist you quickly, include the following information when you contact us:
- The email address of your Photo Portal account (if it’s different from the one you’re using to contact us).
- The name of the affected gallery, project, photo job, workflow, etc.
- If a share link/profile page is affected, include the share link/profile page link.
- Always include a full-screen screenshot that shows the issue. This helps our technical team evaluate the situation more easily.
- If a customer or order is affected, include the name, email address, and order number.
Important: Once you report an issue, please do not make any changes to the affected parts of your account. This allows our technical team to see the exact situation. If you need to publish or sell something immediately, create a new or additional gallery while leaving the affected one as it is until it has been checked.